All posts tagged: box tutorial

A Little Somethin’

These sweet boxes were inspired by the tiny chocolate boxes featured on SCS.   I love these little 2″square by 1″ deep boxes.  They are  just so perfect for a small treat!  With Valentine’s just around the corner, they will come in handy for those sweet surprises. Beate included a tutorial for these boxes on SCS, and it is great!   But I have to admit something.  I am always looking for alternate ways to do things.  I am a hands on “tinkerer”. Usually I will only glance through a tutorial, mostly at the pictures, then start playing with my papers, measuring and scoring until I have something that works for me. Usually a simplified version of the original.   I rarely actually follow the directions.  (hey, it works for me!)  It’s a lot like a cook who never follows a recipe, but instead adds or leaves out ingredients at their discretion. (which I also do)   So, with that said; I modified how I made these boxes, even though the end result looks the same.  …